No Big Title for today
I have no title for the post today.
On the knitting front, I have finished another DK strip of the elephant blanket. Yeah. I have to get a camera up here to do some pictures. Right now all of the pictures taken are on my phone and then get put to facebook.
Non knitting, It is going to be over 60 DEGREES today! Can we say starbucks and a Park to run z around! I have to say I am so ready for spring weather. I want my windows open, and the weather where a sweatshirt , jeans, and flip flops are the dress code.
On the knitting front, I have finished another DK strip of the elephant blanket. Yeah. I have to get a camera up here to do some pictures. Right now all of the pictures taken are on my phone and then get put to facebook.
Non knitting, It is going to be over 60 DEGREES today! Can we say starbucks and a Park to run z around! I have to say I am so ready for spring weather. I want my windows open, and the weather where a sweatshirt , jeans, and flip flops are the dress code.