Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Alright, I will Blog!!!!

It has been a crazy spring and start to summer. Spring flew by, April was crazy, May we had Annie Modesitt at Lambikins, and then I think I was gone most of June traveling. Now it is July and almost the middle of this month!!!

So the first picture is my cocoon shrug from Annie's class. It is not done yet but a work in progress.

So, after may came June. At the beginning of the month I was in Indianapolis for TNNA which was as much fun as usual. We shopped for all kinds of cool things for the shop. After that is was off to Vegas for a girls weekend. We had a blast. The best story of that trip is that my mother and her friend bought a box of band aids in the gift shop for $10.00. yes that is correct. The sales girl told her that they sell so may of those and they fly off the shelves. Yeah right. After opening the $10.00 box they found s coupon. It EXPIRED in 2004!!! Yes indeed they sure sell a lot of those!
This is a view from the Stratosphere.

This is a little tie sweater that I am making out of Premiere yarn from Classic Elite. It wraps around and then ties. This is a 6 month size.

This is my silk sweater. It is Yarn Source Passion and I love this yarn. I am making a short sleeve top out of it. This is the Orchid color.