Wednesday, May 28, 2008

All done

I spent all of my holiday weekend moving things and building.

I have a new yarn room/craft room. I am very excited about this. I bought a bunch of cool shelving units from Ikea a few months ago, and just now able to get it assembled. I will have to post a few pictures of it when I am totally done, but I have to say I am a little embarrassed. I could open up Lambikins East with what I have in my personal stash. AND,
I even set up my sewing machine on my new sewing area!! For those who know me, I have not gotten along in the past with sewing, but I am taking a bag class, and I am going to try to become friends with the machine.

We also set up my DH's new office furniture.
I went up and down our stairs at least 100 times this weekend.

So, new yarn room and exercise. What more could a girl want?

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

Sock Wars III

I have to say, I am working on my socks, however I am at turtle pace I believe.
That is ok. I will have them done soon and I will take a picture. I just don't have time for pictures yet. It is knit knit knit!!!
There was some confusion about the pattern, and I am to the heel so we will see what happens. I am doing an 8 stitch repeat, but some are doing a 9 stitch repeat. I will find out about this heel tonight.

Saturday, May 10, 2008

May Sale at Lambikins

Some things on sale at Lambikins this week.
Creative Impressions in Clay Buttons, Garden Tweed, Premiere, Jo Sharp Desert Cotton Aran, Lambspride wool, Cotton Jeans, Eros, Eyelash, A little sock yarn, Manos, All Ribbon, Interlacements Lace, Frogtree Sport Alpaca, Colinette Isis, Naturwolle, Road to China, Splash, Summer Tweed, Terra, Squiggle. That is just a small bit.
Also all of the books, and all patterns.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Lambikin’s Economic Stimulus Sale – May 10th - 17th

We hope you earmark some of your rebate check for yarn!
  • Save up to 60% off selected yarns
  • All books and pattern books: 35% off
  • All single patterns: Buy One, Get One Free

Frequent Buyers Card Holders Only: May 10 9 AM – 12 PM

  • Spend under $50: Save an additional 10% off your purchase.
  • Spend $50 - $99: Save an additional 15% off your purchase.
  • Spend $100+: Save an additional 25% off your purchase.

Frequent Buyers Cards can be purchased at the sale to receive the additional discount.
We will keep normal business hours for the sale.

Also, If you buy a $100 gift card, you will get a gift card with $110 on it. If you buy a $50 gift card, you will receive a $55 gift card. These gift cards purchased will be for future purchases.